![]() I’d like to welcome my next guest blogger, Kylie Eckerd. She emailed me with an idea for a post last March. It didn’t fit you, my audience. In my videos, I always say that I write for kids, their parents, and teachers. That’s what I told Kylie. She accepted it, said she’d keep her eyes open, and at the end of October she sent me this idea. I said perfect! So here’s her new post, just for you . . . Creative Ways to Launch and Grow a Business from Home For stay-at-home moms, the idea of starting a business can be a powerful way to achieve financial independence while staying connected to family life. Today’s flexible digital landscape offers an array of options that align with different skills, interests, and time commitments, allowing moms to transform ideas into thriving ventures. This guide dives into realistic, achievable strategies, highlighting ways for stay-at-home moms to build and expand their own businesses successfully, all from the comfort of home. 1. Business Ideas to Consider There are a variety of business ideas that align well with the needs of stay-at-home moms looking for flexibility and growth potential. For those skilled in organization or communication, virtual assistance can be a rewarding option, helping entrepreneurs or small businesses manage tasks like scheduling, email handling, and customer service. Moms with expertise in specific subjects can explore online tutoring or create courses in their field, allowing them to share knowledge while setting their own hours. Additionally, freelance writing, social media management, or digital marketing offer creative pathways that cater to a remote lifestyle. 2. Ecommerce Presents a Wealth of Possibilities Exploring digital products is another flexible and profitable business opportunity for stay-at-home moms. Ecommerce platforms offer user-friendly interfaces to create and sell digital goods like ebooks, online courses, and digital art, without the hassle of managing inventory. These platforms often include features such as customizable storefronts and email marketing tools, ensuring your products are appealing and secure. By leveraging these solutions, you can reach a global audience and grow your business from home. 3. Consider a Scalable Business Model Adopting a scalable business model is crucial for growth. This approach allows you to expand operations without compromising quality or efficiency. By leveraging cloud computing and automation tools, you can manage increased workloads seamlessly. Employing a flexible workforce, such as freelancers, enables you to adjust team size according to demand, optimizing costs and resources. A scalable model supports sustainable growth and positions your business to capture larger market shares. 4. Forming an LLC is a Smart Move Creating a limited liability company (LLC) is a wise decision for your business, as it protects your personal assets from any business-related liabilities. This means that if your business faces financial challenges or legal issues, your personal finances remain untouched. An LLC also boosts your business’s credibility, making it more attractive to potential clients and investors. While hiring a lawyer to set up an LLC can be expensive, you can avoid these costs by filing the paperwork yourself or using a formation service. Just be sure to review potential services to find the best one for your needs. 5. Mastering Time Management Balancing family duties with business goals requires effective time management. By using techniques like time blocking and setting daily intentions, you can create a schedule that accommodates both personal and professional tasks. For example, allocate specific hours for family activities and business projects to ensure neither is overlooked. Additionally, delegating household chores and declining unnecessary commitments can free up valuable time for your business endeavors. These strategies can transform your hectic schedule into a more manageable and productive routine. 6. Separate Personal and Business Finances Maintaining a clear distinction between personal and business finances is essential for tracking your business’s financial health. This separation helps ensure compliance with tax regulations, reducing the risk of audits and penalties. It also enhances your business’s credibility, projecting a professional image to clients and investors. Keeping finances distinct allows for better financial planning and decision-making, laying a solid foundation for growth. 7. Why Intellectual Property Matters for Home-Based Entrepreneurs Protecting your business’s intellectual property (IP) is vital for maintaining a competitive edge. IP protection, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, grants you exclusive rights to your creations, preventing unauthorized use. For instance, a trademark can help distinguish your brand, fostering customer loyalty. Understanding and utilizing these protections can enhance your business’s value and attract potential investors, contributing to your venture’s growth. Starting and growing a successful business from home allows stay-at-home moms to blend personal goals with professional fulfillment. By choosing a path that aligns with your strengths and aspirations, you can find the right balance between family life and entrepreneurship, creating opportunities that not only generate income but also foster personal growth and independence. With determination and the right tools, the potential for success is just a few steps away. ![]() Kylie Eckerd is the creator of Live Passive. She makes the most of her gig economy income by investing in developing passive income streams and loves helping others find ways to improve their lives. She created Live Passive because she believes that financial independence is key to true happiness. Kylie also enjoys dancing, spending time with her family and friends, traveling, and reading. Dive into the world of storytelling by booking an inspiring author visit with Rinda Beach
for your school today! Stay connected and never miss a new adventure. Thanks, Kylie, for the plug😊
![]() I found the Pomodoro Technique in an email from Better Report. They send me practical advice/suggestions. This one was all about time management, whether it’s a task you’ve been putting off, or one you’re struggling to complete. All you need – a task and a timer. Mine – 2 chapters worth of revisions, 22 pages of text, with comments added along the side – altogether 25 pages to get through. Talk about intimidating! So I pulled out the Pomodoro Technique and tried it. I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. It worked, revision by revision, page by page. ![]() Part 1: Here are the steps I used from Better Reports. 1. Choose a task. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes and only work on that task. 3. When the timer goes off, take a five-minute break. 4. Repeat the previous steps four times. 5. At the end of the fifth interval, take a longer 15-to-30-minute break. Source: What Is the Pomodoro Technique and How Does It Increase Productivity? - Better Report Part 2: Here are a few rules that Better Report said to use. 1. If you start a pomodoro, let the timer ring.” Don’t stop early. Use your time to review, reflect, or plan for the next one. 2. Stop when the timer goes off. Don’t go over time. 3. Set your timer for those 5-minute breaks after the first 4 Pomodoro's. 4. Do something different during those 5-minute breaks. If you’re on the computer, get up and get moving. If you’re cleaning, put your feet up and relax, but don’t get lost in your break. Return to your task when the timer goes off. ![]() Part 3: Here’s how I tailor those Pomodoros to fit me. 1. Sometimes I stop early before the 25-minute timer goes off, but only if there’s not enough time to start the next one. I’d rather start my break early and the next Pomodoro early too. 2. If the timer goes off and I need to finish a sentence or paragraph, I do that too. 3. I skip the timer if I’m reviewing something like a whole chapter. I don’t want to stop and start. I don’t worry about the time. This is about me and how I can best use MY time. 4. With my 5-minute breaks, usually I get up and walk. It makes it easier for me to reach my step goals. Sometimes I clean. I HATE cleaning, but I can do it for 5 minutes. 5. Sometimes I take my long break early. If I’m hungry, I stop and eat, even if I need to cook. I take the time I need. Balance is important, and so is taking care of myself. Source: What Is the Pomodoro Technique and How Does It Increase Productivity? - Better Report Part 4: Meet the Inventor of the Pomodoro Technique. His name, Francesco Grillo. It’s true! Francesco invented the Pomodoro technique in college. Imagine coming up with an idea that gives you a career, and an income for the rest of your life! Here are some ideas from his website that you might want to check into. You can find Francesco’s link below. Who has Francesco worked with? - Managers - Entrepreneurs - Researchers - Writers, designers, product developers, and other creative professionals - And, Teams of people Why does he think you should try the Pomodoro Technique? - Enhanced Focus and Concentration - Improved Time Management - Reduced Stress at Work - Enhanced Team Communication and Flexibility -Adaptable to You and Your Task Requirements How can the Pomodoro Technique help you? - “Learn to be gentle with yourself and develop a conscious relationship with time.” - “Turn time into an ally and use it to improve individual and team productivity.” ![]() To learn more about Francesco: About Francesco Cirillo To read more about the technique: Pomodoro® Technique - Time Management Method (pomodorotechnique.com) I’ve never done as much research as I’ve done for this middle grade novel on the founding fathers. Every chapter is an adventure . . . And I never know what I’m going to uncover. ![]() Part 1 – How I Do The Research: I learned within the first 10 chapters that I need 3 different kinds of research for each one. First and most importantly, I look up the man who died. It’s your only chance to meet him. I need at least three sources of information about him. Then I cut and paste the sources together. If I find the same fact 3 times, I can use it. Less, I can’t. Even then I still need to decide which facts are important, and which ones to skip. ![]() Next, I research the death year from the American Revolution. I copy and paste everything, until I know what’s important. Finally, I look up what my main character, Charles Carroll of Carrollton was doing. I save everything he did that year. The same rules still apply – I need to know which facts I can verify, and which ones fit in the chapter. Note – I save all three kinds of research, after my first draft of the actual chapter. Then I paste the research in the order it fit in the chapter, with all the source links. The last and biggest part, that’s all the stuff that didn’t fit in, verified or not, with their source links too. It’s there, just in case. The first draft of a chapter is 10 pages or less. The research I use is usually 5-8 pages, and the rest, it’s what didn’t fit. The whole document is usually 30-40 pages altogether. Part 2 – Stuck on a Fire: The idea for this post came when I hit chapter 36. I was stuck for 2 days on the research, and I couldn’t move forward until I pieced it together. When I looked up tobacco planting in the 1790s, I discovered they burned the seed beds before they planted them. I couldn’t imagine setting a fire on purpose – I grew up with Smokey the Bear. And today kids are still taught NOT to set fires, and I was writing about setting one. WHOA! The first thing I looked up – controlled burns. The link: Controlled Burns on the Farm | Beginning Farmers I learned from Beginning Farmers that you wait for a calm day to start the burn. Go to the bottom of a hill with the wind blowing up the slope. Set your fire so the wind blows away from people and houses. Aim it towards things like creeks, dirt roads, or rock barriers. Those 4 ideas helped, but I still wasn’t ready to write. ![]() I also looked up this link: 13869 (ncpedia.org) It’s from North Carolina’s encyclopedia. The title – Tobacco Farming the Old Way. I copied the pages I needed, but I didn’t use them. Why? I already had that information, but it confirmed the facts I knew. I’ve never started a fire without matches so I found another source: Link: How to Start a Fire With Flint and Steel | The Art of Manliness I copied and saved the supplies I need for the chapter. I’ll get a piece of flint, steel, and a char cloth. They all have specific requirements to start a real fire, but I don’t need to do that. Only write about it. Next, I’ll find some tinder. That’s dry grass or bits of plants from last year. I also copied two pictures from that link. I had to remember what they looked like. If I can’t picture them, you won’t when you read the words. I couldn’t share my pictures. I wasn’t sure if they were copyrighted so I took a screenshot from the search engine. The second and fifth pictures are the ones that helped me start a fire of words for you. ![]() But I still couldn’t write, so I found a YouTube video. I watched it a few times and wrote down these notes: - fire burns slowly - hearing crackling - left behind black ash - edge of flame licked edge of field Then I could write my controlled fire scene in chapter 36. Charley sets the fire, watches it burn, and keeps it under control. I was thrilled! My critique partners said they could picture the fire, all from my words. As a writer, that’s as good as it gets! And the link: VN 000355 L65 CB283 16x9 3m30s 230620M (youtube.com) Part 3 – False Family Connections: Meet the four delegates from South Carolina who signed the Declaration of Independence. The first is Edward Rutledge from Chapter 38 of my middle grade novel. I thought I found a great angle – that he was the brother-in-law of the other three. Then I double checked my research. ![]() Edward Rutledge and Arthur Middleton WERE brothers-in-law. Edward married Arthur’s sister, Henrietta. He died on New Year’s Day in 1787. I knew that – Arthur died in Chapter 14. Henrietta Rutledge died in 1792, and Edward remarried. My source said he was related to the other men through his second wife, Mary Shubrick Everleigh. And that source: Edward Rutledge | Facts, Early Years, Life, Death, Military & Politics (revolutionary-war.net) ![]() Edward Rutledge died in January 23, 1800. Thomas Heyward was still alive, so I kept looking. Thomas married twice. His first wife, Elizabeth Matthews. The second, Elizabeth Savage. No Shubrick’s there, and Rutledge wasn’t mentioned, AT ALL. Here’s one of the sources I checked: Thomas Heyward, Jr. | Facts, Early Years, Life, Death & Politics (revolutionary-war.net) ![]() I thought I was done with Rutledge and his brothers-in-law, but I discovered there might have been a connection. I didn’t realize it until I did the research for this post. Thomas Lynch Jr. married a Paige Shubrick in 1772, but they took a ship to the West Indies in December of 1779. Their ship never arrived so they must have died at sea. It’s one of the saddest chapters I’ve written, because of their age/cause of death. Paige may have been Mary’s sister, but she and her husband died long before Mary married Rutledge. AND there was no mention of a connection on the site. I’m glad I never used the brother-in-law reference in Chapter 36. Here’s one of the sources I used: Thomas Lynch | Facts, Early Years, Life, Death & Politics (revolutionary-war.net) Part 4 – A Shocking Discovery: This is a painting of the Declaration of Independence, but it’s not the signing. The five men standing in the middle are the Committee of Five. They drafted the Declaration. I always thought the Continental Congress signed it on the Fourth of July. Nope! Only two men did – President John Hancock and Secretary Charles Thomson. But that wasn’t my shocking discovery. When I started writing Chapter 1 back in January of 2023, I knew the signing happened on August 2. And I thought all 56 men signed their names. Nope! Only 49, and THAT was my shocking discovery. ![]() Meet Matthew Thornton! In that first draft of Chapter 1, I knew he signed late. His name was last on the Declaration, not with the other 2 men from New Hampshire. Something happened, but I didn’t know the what – so I took my best guess. Simplest is always best – Matthew signed later in the week. Then I hit Chapter 38, this summer on June 25. I think I went into shock. My mind probably raced, trying to figure out what to do. Here’s what I saw that night. It stopped me cold! Source #1: Matthew Thornton | Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence (dsdi1776.com) ![]() Although Thornton was not present during the debates on independence or when 50 of the delegates signed the Declaration on August 2, he became one of six signers who did so in the following months…” ![]() “…was elected to the Continental Congress just in time to sign the Declaration of Independence…” ![]() “…signed the Declaration, several months after the official signing in July, one of six signers who were not actually present at the Congress when the Declaration was adopted…” Did you notice I color code my notes to help me ‘see’ my sources when I write? Later it helps when I go back to check something, like shocking discoveries! ![]() Within 30 minutes I texted and asked a critique partner if we could zoom the next day. She said yes. So I did some searching, and here’s what I learned . . . Link #1: The Declaration of Independence: A History | National Archives This one had 5. ![]() Among the later signers were Elbridge Gerry, Oliver Wolcott, Lewis Morris, Thomas McKean, and Matthew Thornton, who found that he had no room to sign with the other New Hampshire delegates. Link #2: Signers of the Declaration of Independence | Daughters of the American Revolution (dar.org) Had 2. ![]() 1. Matthew Thornton from New Hampshire Granted permission to sign. Arrived 3 months later. 2. Oliver Wolcott from Connecticut Signed after he returned to Congress in October. And here are the men who signed late: 1. Matthew Thornton - Arrived in Congress November 4. Probably signed in November. New Hampshire 2. Elbridge Gerry - Away on July 4; Returned to Congress September 2, 1776. Probably signed September 3. - Massachusetts 3. Oliver Wolcott - Returned October 1. Probably signed in October. Connecticut 4. Lewis Morris - Returned to Congress after August 2, before September 8. Likely signed in September - New York 5. George Wythe Returned to Congress after August 2, before September 14. Probably signed in September - Virginia 6. Richard Henry Lee Returned to Congress August 27, 1776. Probably signed in September - Virginia 7. Thomas McKean - Returned to Congress briefly in September,1776. Returned in January 1777. Signature is missing from Goddard Broadside, printed January. No one knows when he signed. Delaware ![]() And here’s my plan for going forward: 1. Go with 7 late signers. 2. Three names are mentioned in Chapter 1. Change/delete them and leave the rest alone. 3. Make notes on the 7 late signers on the chapters I’ve written, and on my timeline for the ones ahead. About a month ago Richard Welsh from Public Relations emailed and asked if I’d share a pair of links with you. I looked them up and said sure. They’re all about vetting a doctor if you live in Florida, but the advice applies anywhere. Here are the links Richard sent me, and what I thought about them. Picking a doctor is important, but it’s critical if you’re facing surgery. You want the best doctor doing your operation. An ounce of pre-op research is worth a pound of post-op complications. The 1st link: Vetting a doctor before surgery - fhvlegal.com/vetting-doctor-before-surgery/ The 2nd: A checklist to keep things simple - Vetting a Doctor Before Surgery Checklist ![]() Part 1 – Research – This is the first, and most important step. That’s because research plays a part in all the other steps you take to find that doctor, who’s just right for you. ![]() - Check their credentials. Search your state’s Department of Health for your doctor’s name and license status. Check to see if there are any errors or mistakes on their record, or if they’ve received any disciplinary action. Richard shared Florida’s Department of Health link, but your state should have one too. ![]() - Check for board certification and professional associations. The American Board of Specialties has a button that lists all of them. Find the one you need, then your doctor’s name. You’ll see what he/she is certified in. The Florida site also has a list of associations. Use it as a guide to find the ones in your home state. ![]() - Check reviews online or from people you know. Try websites like Healthgrades, Vitals, RateMDs, and local hospitals, and don’t forget to talk to the people you know. ![]() Part 2 – Ask Questions – Some questions will come from your research. Others will pop up as you move forward. Think about the things you want to know about the surgery and the doctor who’ll do it. If you’re worried, jot down your questions. The answers will make you feel better, or they’ll drive you to find more information. Maybe you’ll even seek a second opinion. Here are some suggestions from the Florida site that might help you find your way. ![]() - Ask about experience – How often does your doctor operate per week? The more, the better. What’s their experience, positive and negative? (Ask your surgeon, their patients, even your friends and family doctor.) ![]() - Ask about successes – How does your doctor define success, and what’s their success rate for your surgery? What kind of anesthesia will they use, and are there side effects? Where can I find testimonials/referrals for you as a surgeon, or from your patients? ![]() - Ask about continuing education – What’s your doctor doing to stay current with new developments within their area of expertise? Are there alternative options, and what do they say about them? ![]() - Ask about surgery, post-op, and recovery – What are the risks and side effects of surgery? What will it cost? How long will I need hospital care? What is the post-op plan? Will I need therapy? What will insurance cover, and what’s my cost? How long until I’m recovered and back to work/normal? These are all basic questions from the Florida website. They can help you find answers to your own unique situation. ![]() Part 3 – Get Referrals – Ask people you know. They’ll help you in your search for the right doctor. How? Ask them to refer you to a specialist or to a procedure. ![]() - Get referrals from your primary care doctor. That’s where I go to find a specialist. I trust my doctor and his/her suggestions. Doctors get feedback when the patient returns. If they’ve had a good experience, they’ll continue to send the specialist new patients. If it was a bad one, my doctor would have to decide if they’d recommend them again. I’ve been happy with all the specialists my primary care doctor recommended, except one. Practically perfect is a great record😊 ![]() - Get referrals from people you trust. Ask the people you know. Like family, friends, or acquaintances for their recommendations. I was lucky, I always found someone in the teachers’ lounge who’d experienced the new problems that appeared with age. I never asked someone I didn’t trust. ![]() - Ask for another referral, or a second opinion. If something feels wrong, get another opinion. It will either confirm the information you already have, or it will confirm your suspicions. Sometimes you have to listen to your gut; then do the research to help you make a good decision. ![]() Part 4 – Red Flags – Look for red flags when you vet a new doctor. When you have a bad feeling, listen and check it out. Maybe it’s your imagination, but maybe it isn’t. Do your due diligence. Then decide if you want to move forward, or search for a new doctor. ![]() - Lacks board certification. If a doctor doesn’t have it, there’s a reason why. Either they lack the training and evaluation, or it’s been pulled because of malpractice. This is a HUGE Red Flag that you should find someone else. ![]() Check credentials. Look at a physician’s experience. If you have a choice between someone who does 1-2 surgeries a week versus someone who does 50, who would you pick? My father chose the one in the 50-a-week club for his, and I’m glad he did. Don’t forget to check for malpractice claims, disciplinary actions, and for patterns of negligence. These are NO-GO signs. My advice – find another doctor. ![]() - Examine everyday behaviors for flags. When you meet with the doctor, do they rush through the appointment, or fail to answer your questions? Do they dismiss your concerns without explanation, or refuse to consider other alternatives? You’re paying the doctor, and he serves you. If he doesn’t, look elsewhere. Look to see if the doctor’s office is clean and organized. If it’s not, it tells you something about the way they do business. Do what feels right for you – after all, you’re paying the bill. Finally does the doctor pressure you to make a decision, without getting a second opinion? My daughter had one of those doctors, so we checked with another one. He offered advice and monitored her for changes over the next several years. I’m glad we said thanks, but no thanks to the first one. ![]() Part 5 – Final Thoughts & Conclusions – At the end of the process, vetting a doctor is like trying to fit the right puzzle pieces together. If you do it well, you have a match that fits you and your family. If you feel like you’re shoving a square peg into a round hole, you probably are. I’d take a fresh look at your research, plus a few new variables. ![]() Double-check your insurance coverage. Healthcare is expensive, and insurance is the gate keeper. Make sure your choices are covered, or consider making a change. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a little, or A LOT More for your medical bills. Your financial health is another important part of this decision. ![]() Trust your instincts/gut. If you have a bad feeling about a doctor and/or surgery, listen. Sometimes your gut is your first and strongest warning sign that danger lies ahead. Getting a second opinion can give you peace of mind. Mental health is part of your physical health too. ![]() Make sure you’re comfortable with your decision. Knowing you can trust your doctor for information. That they don’t pooh-pooh your choices can give you peace of mind when your body is under stress. That’s a very good thing 😊 ![]() Don’t forget accessibility. If your surgeon is hours away, getting treatment and follow-up care can be tricky, and expensive. On the other hand, if your doctor makes you feel safe, like you’re in good hands, it might be worth driving a little farther to get that safety net. So in conclusion, take the time you need to make a good decision. Don’t forget the doctor serves you. You’re paying for their time and expertise. Make sure you’re getting what you paid for. Do you recognize this landform? It’s the continent of Antarctica. It’s the only continent without a single country, although 22 have a ‘consultative’ status. That’s because they agreed to a 1959 treaty. They promised to keep Antarctica as a scientific preserve, like a national park. It was to be preserved as a place of scientific study and environmental protection. One of my critique partners, Sandra Martin Denis just got back from Antarctica. She was there during the summer, the warmest time of year. It’s funny – Antarctica’s summer is during our winter. Part 1: It came straight from Sandra’s trip – her photos and her words. Enjoy! Penguins live in Antarctica. Penguins live in colonies. They're great swimmers. They spend half their time in the water and half their time on land. They are expert divers. They eat krill, fish, and squid. Penguins mate for life. They build nests of stones. Most penguins lay two eggs in a clutch. The male and the female take turns incubating the eggs, except for the emperor penguin. They build "highways" on the snow. Their main enemy is the Leopard Seal. Sandra didn’t have a picture of one, but I found these two on Pixabay. Yikes! Look at those teeth. OUCH! Part 2: A trivia question about Antarctica’s climate. What is the average temperature range for Antarctica per year? 10°C to -60°C 10°C to -10°C 30°C to 20°C -5°C to -10°Celsius 50°F to -76°F 50°F to 14°F 86°F to 68°F 23°F to 14°Fahrenheit Take a guess, then check below the map. I completely missed this one. Antarctica is warmer than I thought! The annual temperature for the whole continent ranges from about −10°C on the coast to −60°Celsius. In Fahrenheit that’s 50°F to -76°F. Wow, 50 is way warmer than I imagined. That’s like a warm March day in Ohio! But it all depends on – location, location, location. ![]() That 50°F was near the coast, in the summer. That’s where Sandra was, but she said she wore a parka. Maybe at night when the sun goes down, the coastal temperature drops too. In the winter – that coastal temperature gets even colder, -40, and that’s the reading on both Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers. That surprised me. I’ve never seen the two temperature scales match, with the same exact number. Incredible! I’m glad Sandra didn’t go inland, especially to the mountaintops. Their warmest temperature – -22. That’s one of the worst winter days in Ohio, ever. I don’t want to think how cold it gets in their winter. Ready? That’s -112?! Holy frostbite, that’s cold! And the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth? -128.56, at the Vostok station in Antarctica. That’s where scientists live. And the date – July 21, 1983. YIKES! Part 3: Wind Speed and Snowfall by the Numbers ![]() Those temperatures, like -112 F are without the windchill. To find that, I looked up the wind speed on the antarctica.gov link below. I don’t want to do the math, but if you can imagine, an Antarctic wind can blow at 100 km/h, and it can blow for days! I don’t do kilometers, so in miles per hour – that’s 62. If you want to imagine it, stand beside a highway. That’s how fast cars will drive by. I’m feeling colder already! Are you ready for the strongest winds? That’s 200 km/h or 124 mph, or the wind speed of a Category 3 hurricane. YIKES – x 2! ☹ As for snow – the average accumulation for the whole continent of Antarctica is 150 mm of water per year, or 5.9 inches. If you’re not sure what that looks like, find 6 on a ruler. When you go inland to the elevated plateau, the annual value drops to 50 mm. That’s only 1.96 inches. But at the coast, it rises to 200 mm or 7.87 inches. But for the heaviest rain or snow, find the peninsula in the northwestern corner of the map. It stretches to the north, and the Bellingshausen Sea is below it, to the south. It’s not labeled, but it gets over 1000 mm of water. In inches that’s 39.37. Think yardstick, then add your index finger for another 3 inches. That’s a lot of water! ![]() Sources: For more information: www.antarctica.gov.au My source: What is the average annual... | Trivia Answers | QuizzClub Map: By Robert Simmon - en:Internet Archive - https://web.archive.org/web/20070823123915/http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=17838 (originally http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=17838 NASA Earth Observatory), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3126858 I wrote the original post back in November, and I shared the update on my vlog. At the end, I predicted where I would be at the end of February. Today is March 13, and here’s where I am on my journey to tell the story of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Part 1 – Where I Was: I believe you need to know where you were, to take stock of where you are. It also allows you to see progress, and that’s a good thing. The original post went live on November 20. I was on Chapter 17, and I was writing about Ben Franklin. Oh My Goodness! I remember that chapter – not in a good way! It took me 3 weeks to find my way in. If you’d like to read the original post, here’s my link: http://www.rindabeach.com/blog/me-and-my-middle-grade-novel-where-am-i-now My vlog went live on January 28. I finished Chapter 21 with Francis Hopkinson that week. If you’d like to listen, here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2796790403792630 Part 2 – Where Am I Now? This week I finished Chapter 30. Only 27 chapters to go 😊 And the signer – Carter Braxton from Virginia. I’d never heard of him, but now I won’t forget him either. His mother died after she’d given birth to two baby boys. He was her second son. Carter married young like his father, and his wife died after she’d given birth to two baby girls. Heartbreaking. But he married again. She gave birth to ten boys and six more girls. Eighteen – that’s a lot of children! Milestones from my Journey : Chapter 19 = a third of the way to the end. Chapters 28 = halfway done. I celebrated both milestones with a tiny bit of shopping. It makes a memory and keeps me moving. Chapter 38 = two thirds of the way to the end. That’s seven chapters or seven weeks from now, I hope. Story Stats – 29 founders, dead Two states with all its signers dead – North Carolina (3) and New Jersey (5) The state with only one death – Massachusetts. The signer, John Hancock Part 3 –My Conclusions and How They're Working: Back on July 17 of 2023, I wrote a post about failing. I even thought about quitting. Back then I was struggling with Stephen Hopkins from Chapter 12. Here are my conclusions after a week of struggle, plus the answer to the postscript – how my conclusions are working. ![]() 1. It’s OK to fail. Sometimes you need to stop and make a new plan. The last time I failed/got stuck was on Chapter 17 with Ben Franklin. 2. Change when you need to. When I get stuck, I should take a break. I need fun and family too. I still take breaks when I need to. But after Chapter 17, I found a new technique. I haven’t missed a deadline since then 😊 3. When I get stuck, I should step back. Later I’ll see how to edit and revise. I don’t need to step back with my new strategy. At least so far 😊 4. Each chapter feels like I’m climbing some steep hills. I need to write at this story’s speed. Sometimes that’s fast, and the story just flows. Other times it’s slow or no-speed at all. That’s when my ideas need time to develop. I still feel like I’m climbing steep hills, especially at the beginning, but my new technique makes it easier to climb that first one. Then the story usually flows along. Sometimes I find a steep hill near the end, but the strategy works there too 😊 Post Link: http://www.rindabeach.com/blog/when-you-feel-like-quitting-inspiring-quotes-for-you-and-me Vlog: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=6554628911271624 Part 4 – Three New Strategies: How did I find them? The old-fashioned way – trial and error – until I find what works. For today. When they stop working – I go back to my drawing board. ![]() 1. Finding my way through research – I’m much faster than I used to be. I look for three internet sources for each signer, then what was going on just before his death, and finally what Charley and his family were up to. Sometimes I find my way into the chapter from it, but a lot of times, I don’t. ![]() 2. I write less – but not on the chapter of the week. I still write all day, taking breaks when I need to get up, until about 8PM. Sometimes just getting up and moving around will get me unstuck. And, so far I’m staying on track, writing a chapter a week. The less, that’s on my blog. I realized over the summer, when I thought about quitting, something had to give, and it couldn’t be me. So, now I write a blog section in two days. The first day I put up pictures and outline what I want to write. The second day I write and revise that section. If life gets in the way, and occasionally it does, I give myself a day of grace. Less is also on my vlog. I’m doing more classic posts. LOL, it’s just another way of saying an old one. I also look for blogs, beyond the original one, but they need to add to the vlog’s topic. ![]() 3. This is the BIG ONE! I write questions to Charley (Charles Carroll), and I answer them. After spending the last year and a half with him, I know him pretty well. This week I’m working on Oliver Wolcott. I’d never heard of him either. He was the governor of Connecticut in 1797, and a Major General in the Continental Army. He was one of the heroes of Saratoga, one of the first big wins for Washington’s army, but – that didn’t help me figure out how to write Chapter 31. What did? Questions! I started with ‘Where is Charley?’ and ‘What is he doing?’ Sometimes that works. Sometimes I have to ask more questions. I knew Oliver died on December 1, and Charley would have been in the Maryland Senate. So I asked what he might have been doing. That was a dead end, but it’s part of the process. Then I asked the question, and I hit pay dirt! I asked what Charley was doing at Christmas time. I got the answer the next morning. I realized I’d already written something about a priest visiting him. I don’t know if one really did, but it fits my research. Charley’s cousin was the first Catholic bishop in the US, and he started St. Mary's College and Seminary in Baltimore. The priest had to visit, because there were no Catholic Churches in Annapolis. Not yet. The first one was built next door to Charley’s house. BINGO! I started writing, and I finished the WHOLE rough draft in one day. I even started my first round of revision. I didn’t finish – I needed to write this part of the blog for you. If I hadn’t found my way into the chapter – I would have asked Charley more questions, until I found it. I know when I have a good answer, because I can keep writing. Even when I question the last paragraph I wrote. When that happens, I take a break, AND I can push past it. Part 5 – My New Middle Grade Goals: ![]() The next one – to finish Chapter 36 by May 3rd. That’s the first Friday in May. My critique group is taking Good Friday off. Then I'll return to my usual pace – a chapter a week – to research, write and revise. It’s the fastest I’ve ever written, and the most I’ve written in years. I have another goal that’s on the back burner. I’m moving as quickly as I can, but the other chapters come first. My second goal is to polish the first 3 chapters until they’re submission ready. It’s a work in progress. ![]() Do you have parents or grandparents who need to look for a new home? I’m happy to share this guest blog from Kent Elliot AtHomeAging.info. Keep reading – he has seven great tips to help seniors find the house that fits them now. The journey into retirement marks a pivotal phase in life, demanding a living space that transcends the ordinary, blending comfort, safety, and convenience. This stage requires careful consideration of certain key features in a home, ensuring it not only meets your present needs but also gracefully adapts to your evolving lifestyle in the years ahead. This comprehensive guide, courtesy of Rinda Beach, aims to illuminate those vital characteristics that make a home ideal for your retirement years. Part 1: Embracing Open and Accessible Spaces In your search for the perfect retirement residence, prioritize homes that boast open, barrier-free floor plans. These designs are more than just modern and visually appealing; they are practical, enhancing mobility and reducing the risk of accidents. An open floor plan facilitates easier navigation, particularly important as mobility concerns increase with age. Additionally, these spaces foster a warm, inviting atmosphere, ideal for hosting family gatherings and maintaining an active social life, which is essential for mental and emotional well-being during retirement. Part 2: Accessibility with Wheelchair-Adapted Entrances ![]() For retirees who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids, the presence of wheelchair-friendly ramps and wide doorways is a critical feature. These adaptations are not merely conveniences; they are essential for maintaining independence and ensuring safe access around your home. Homes equipped with these features underscore a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, vital for a comfortable and dignified retirement life. Part 3: Assurance Through Home Warranty Protection When downsizing, it’s important to consider your insurance options. While homeowner’s insurance covers damage to the structure, injuries, and theft, it doesn’t cover appliances or major systems. That’s why you should work with a home warranty company to find a policy that works for you. These warranties are crucial for safeguarding against unexpected repairs and maintenance issues, particularly for essential home systems like heating, cooling, and plumbing. With such protections in place, you can spend your retirement years enjoying your home without the concern of potential unforeseen expenses and the hassles of home repairs. Part 4: Enhanced Living with Intelligent Home Systems In the modern age, homes equipped with smart technology offer significant advantages, especially for retirees. Look for properties that feature intelligent home systems, such as automated thermostats, lighting controls, and advanced security systems. These technologies not only provide unparalleled convenience but also enhance safety and independence. The ability to control various aspects of your home environment with simplicity and ease can significantly improve your quality of life, allowing you to focus on enjoying your retirement rather than being bogged down by mundane tasks. ![]() Part 5: Seamless and Safe Access The entrance to your home should be more than just aesthetically pleasing; it should be designed with safety and accessibility in mind. Homes with step-free entryways are crucial for preventing trips and falls, common concerns as one ages. Such design considerations ensure that your home remains accessible, safe, and welcoming, regardless of any mobility challenges you or your visitors might face. Part 6: Safe and Comfortable Bathing Solutions ![]() Bathroom safety is paramount, making accessible walk-in showers a must-have in your retirement home. These showers–along with grab bars and corner protectors–are designed to help provide safer and more comfortable bathing experiences. They minimize the risk of slips and falls, a significant concern for seniors, and provide the convenience necessary for maintaining personal hygiene independently and with dignity. Part 7: Ease of Access with Ergonomic Handles ![]() The usability of a home extends to the smallest details, like door and faucet handles. In your retirement home, look for ergonomic lever-style handles, which are far more user-friendly than traditional knobs, especially for those with arthritis or limited hand strength. Such thoughtful details in a home's design can make a substantial difference in your day-to-day life, ensuring that every aspect of your home is accessible and easy to navigate. Final Thoughts Selecting the right home for your retirement is a decision that encompasses much more than just the property's location or aesthetic appeal. It's about finding a space that ensures your comfort, safety, and independence in the years to come. By focusing on these essential features, you ensure that your chosen home is not just a dwelling, but a sanctuary that supports and enriches your life throughout your retirement. For more information, check out Kent Elliot of AtHomeAging.info
Part 1 – Do you know how these two books are related? Make Way For Ducklings won the Caldecott Medal back in 1941. It’s the story of Mrs. Mallard’s search for a home for her eight little ducklings. Where does she find it? At the Boston Public Gardens. Be Strong is a brand-new book. I thought it came out in December 2023, but I was wrong. I forgot I got it early because I was part of the author's crowdfunding project. But don't worry! It's out now, since March 5. Be Strong is the story of Nancy Schön, of how she created statues of Mrs. Mallard and all her little ducklings. Then she did what the book did – she took them home to the Boston Public Gardens If you’d like to check out my book review for Be Strong, here’s the link: http://www.rindabeach.com/my-reads/be-strong-the-rise-of-beloved-public-art-sculptor-nancy-scho If you can’t make it to Boston, take a look at this photo. Mrs. Mallard is leading her ducklings across the garden. And the best part about public art, you can interact with it. Take a picture with a duckling, or give each one a hug. It doesn’t matter. This is public art, so you’re allowed 😊 Part 2 – Have you ever seen public art in person, or taken a photo beside it? I have! Do you recognize the first statue? It’s public art from the Bremen Town Musicians, and you’ll find the statue in Bremen, Germany. When I was there in 2008, I had my picture taken beside it. So did everyone around me. The second statue is at the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Do you recognize this piece of public art? It’s a young Neil Armstrong holding his favorite thing – an airplane. He’s a hero in Wapak and beyond. Why? He was the first man to set foot on the moon. I haven’t had my photo taken with him yet, but I’ve seen lots of people take advantage of this photo op. I found these three pieces of public art on Pixabay. My grandkids would love the first and last statue. They look like the ones they play with at their favorite zoo. Then it’s time for a photo. They LOVE public art! I didn’t recognize the pair in the middle. I went back to Pixabay to find their names, Dogman and Rabbitgirl. Who knew? Google did! I looked them up, and they’re actually famous pieces of public art scupted by Gillie and Marc. Who knew? They’re stories for modern times, and you can find them in places like New York City or London. If you’d like to look for yourself, or buy a piece of art, here’s the link for Gillie and Marc: I Am (Rabbit) Woman – Gillie and Marc® Part 3 – Where in the world can you find Nancy Schön’s public art? Since 1987 Nancy has created 26 statues. You’ll find 18 of them in Massachusetts. Six are in other states in the continental US, and two are outside the country. Can you find the six states on the map where you’ll find Nancy’s statues? Look for: Tennessee, Florida, Ohio, Arkansas, Maine, and Oklahoma. If you live in Massachusetts or in any of the other six states, click below on Nancy’s link, and you can look up the name of the statue, city, and the state it’s in. If you go for a visit, I hope you make time for a photo op. Link: Nancy Schön - Wikipedia And the two that are outside the United States, they’re in Israel and Russia. Can you find them on this map? If you happen to find yourself in Moscow, Russia or Tel Aviv, Israel, I hope you have time for a photo op too. You’ll find the name of both statues on the link above. ![]() I bought this book last September, in 2022. I shop whenever I’m watching an OSU football game. It’s a superstition, but it makes me feel like I’m doing my part to help the Buckeyes win. ![]() My Stats from Last Year: Trivia score Name Recognition Chapter 1 5 of 20 -- Chapter 2 7 14 of 28 Chapter 3 11 11 of 20 Chapter 4 5 9 of 22 Chapter 5 5 7 of 21 Chapter 6 5 12 of 38 Chapter 7 8 10 of 26 That means my best scores came in Chapter 5 for both trivia and name recognition. It was all about catching the ball, AKA the receivers. Here’s my link to last year’s trivia: http://www.rindabeach.com/blog/trivial-pursuit-the-ohio-state-football-way Game Day Saturday, September 16 - Chapter 8 - How I did, and what I learned. Chapter 8: Coaching Carousel: I thought I’d do better on this chapter than I did. I’ve been following Ohio State football since the 60s. I can name the coaches in order . . . Woody Hayes, Earle Bruce, John Cooper, Jim Tressel, Urban Meyer, and Ryan Day. I double checked, and I missed one. Luke Fickel was coach for less than a year. He came between Tressel and Meyer. I have a soft spot for Luke’s wife, Amy. She comes from Spencerville, Ohio. That’s just up the road from my house in Wapak. In spite of knowing all that, I was back to mediocre again, 7 right out of 20. YUCK! And on name recognition, I knew 11 out of 23. Yep, mediocre, but, these questions are hard! These are my four favorite OSU coaches. I don’t know any of the ones before Woody. I was born in 1959, and Woody became head coach in 1951. He was still there during the fall of 1978 when I was a freshman. I feel sorry now for the next two coaches . . . There was no way they could compare to Woody, and the three that followed . . . I loved them like Woody 😊 Now for my Pick 3 questions, they’re all about the best OSU coach ever – Wayne Woodrow Hayes! 3. Including Woody Hayes, how many coaches have the Buckeyes had since hiring Hayes in 1951? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 I got it right . . . 7! You can double check the answer in the first paragraph. I named those 7 coaches in order, and I only forgot 1. Not bad! 11. How many Big Ten championships did Woody Hayes win as the Buckeyes’ head coach? A. 13 B. 15 C. 11 D. 17 Shucks! I guessed 17. Too high! The answer . . . 13. I guess even Woody couldn’t win them all, but he sure tried. 18. Urban Meyer and Jim Tressel combined to coach more All-Americans at Ohio State than Woody Hayes. A. True B. False I missed it! I said true, that two coaches could produce more All-Americans than just one. Wrong! I forgot that Woody coached for 28 years, while Jim and Urban only did 15, altogether. Wow! What a coach! Fun Fact: Before Woody came, OSU was known as the coaches’ graveyard. Game Day Saturday, September 23 – Chapter 9 - How I did. I started Chapter 9 during the Notre Dame game, and it was quite a game . . . I only managed to answer the questions. That’s it. Today the Buckeyes are playing Maryland so I’m going to try to do the writing. Chapter 9: Championship Caliber: I had no idea how I’d do this time. Who remembers championships after they’re over? Not me! I was surprised I actually did a little better . . . up from 7 to 8 on the multiple-choice questions. On name recognition I knew 10 out of 20. Woo-hoo! That’s 50%. Still mediocre, but a little bit better! Game Day Saturday, October 7 - Chapter 9 – What Resonated with Me None of the questions or their answers resonated with me, but the additional information from Ray Walker did. During the Notre Dame game, and afterwards something struck home. I didn’t know that Lou Holtz made a few comments about the Buckeyes, and Ryan Day answered back after the game, that it was Ohio against the world. It feels like it’s always been that way. ![]() - Ray noted that in 2018 ESPN ranked the national champions from the BCS years, and they put the 2002 Buckeyes last. The reason, the Buckeyes had a lot of close games as they finished out the season. ESPN said they just weren’t dominant enough. Gee, I thought winning was everything! It didn’t matter that the Buckeyes were the first to win 14 games in a season, or that they were 1 of 9 teams on the list to go unbeaten and win the national championship. When you’re ranked high, you have a target on your back. Add in that 2002 team were the first #2 to beat a #1 during the BCS years, but that didn’t matter to the powers at ESPN that made the rankings. (Like always, Ohio against the world) Game Day Saturday, October 14 – Chapter 10 - How I did I didn’t! I went to a baby shower, but I kept track of the score. When I got home, the game was still on, but we had company, so no chapter 10 ☹ But the Buckeyes beat Purdue 41 – 7 . . . Woohoo! Game Day Saturday, October 21 – Chapter 10, Finally! How I did & What Resonated with Me Chapter 10: Going Bowling: I had a bad feeling about this chapter . . . It’s either the kind with one ball and nine pins, or the kind that involves holiday football games in warm destinations. I figured I’d be terrible at both ☹ I’m glad I was prepared. I went down, 5 out of 20 on the multiple-choice questions. FIVE! That’s like a 25%. OUCH! On name recognition I knew 7 out of 20. A 35% is a little better, but not much. Double OUCH! What Resonated with Me: 1. I recognized two names – William White and Bobby Hoying. They were both local boys, from the county right next door. William grew up in Lima and played football for the Spartans. Northwest Ohio was thrilled when he became a Buckeye, and so was I. 2. Bobby grew up in St. Henry, and he played for the Redskins. He was chosen as Mr. Football back in 1990, out of all the high school players from across the state. Bobby went from playing quarterback in a small town in Mercer County to playing at The Ohio State University. It’s incredible when a local boy succeeds, and both Bobby and William made it all the way to the NFL. WOW! 3. I found a not-so-good memory in this chapter about bowl games, with Clemson. They were the team that got Woody Hayes fired. He was and still is my favorite coach ever. It began when Clemson intercepted a pass near the end of the game. Woody was known for his temper, and he grabbed the player’s jersey and hit him. The Buckeye team captain pulled Woody off the kid, and he was fired the next day. It was a sad end for Woody and his coaching career, but he was forgiven, and I’m glad his contributions have not been forgotten. PS – OSU lost that game in 1978. They’d lose again to Clemson in 2016 and 2019, but they finally beat them in 2021 . . . 49 – 28. There’s nothing like the thrill of victory after those 3 defeats. Game Day Saturday, October 28 - Chapter 11 - How I did, and what I learned. Chapter 11: Draft Day: I had no idea how I’d do in this chapter. I’ve never paid attention to the draft, ever! My results – I went up one, to 6 out of 20 on the multiple-choice questions. That’s 30%. Guessing stinks as a strategy, but it’s all I had ☹ On name recognition I knew more names than last time, 22, but there were 30 I didn’t know. My score – 22 out of 50, for a 42%. YIKES! ☹ I discovered after reading this chapter that draft day doesn’t always lead to a contract. It means nothing, until that contract is signed. Here are 3 stories about 3 superstar Buckeyes. ![]() #1. Have you heard of Paul Warfield? The Cleveland Browns drafted him in 1964. I was only 5 years old, but somehow, I remember he was fast. As a Buckeye he was a halfback. That meant he lined up with the offense, and he ran the ball down the field. Funny, I thought that would make him a running back! Cleveland picked him as a defensive back, but they also knew he could catch the ball. So, they decided to try him as a receiver. The result – Paul learned how to catch the ball that first year in the NFL. I guess your team gets a HUGE say on what position you play. ![]() #2. Tom Skladany is another name I remember. He left OSU before I came in as a freshman. He was a gifted kicker, the first specialty player to ever get a scholarship to a Big 10 school. The Browns picked him in the second round of the 1977 draft, but he never signed with them. He wound up sitting out the whole 1977 NFL season. Why? Evidently Art Modell called his agent ‘the biggest thorn in the side of professional football.” Art put Tom on the trading block, first with the Rams in return for two second round picks. Later he shipped Tom off to the Lions for a second and seventh round pick for 1978. OUCH! ![]() #3. Terry Glenn’s story from 1996 caught my eye. I was a mom with three kids by then, and I had time for football again. Terry had great hands . . . he was a receiver, and he was the seventh pick, in THE first round. Talented, right?! Well not enough for Bill Parcells, the coach for the New England Patriots. He said, “If they want you to cook the dinner, at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries.” Evidently Parcells didn’t want Terry, but two higher ups did . . . owner Bob Kraft and general manager, Bobby Grier. I have a feeling Parcells was happier with Terry by the end of the season . . . He set a rookie record of 90 catches, and they helped the Patriots into the Super Bowl that year. Game Day Saturday, November 4 - Chapter 12 - How I did, and what I learned. Chapter 12: Writing the Record Book: I had no idea once again how I’d do on this chapter. I would hear someone set a record, then promptly forget about it. My results on multiple choice questions – I went up one again, to 7 out of 20. That’s another 35%. Guessing isn’t the best strategy, but it’s all I had, again ☹ On name recognition this was one of my best scores, I knew 20, and I didn’t recognize 12. My score – 20 out of 32, for a sky-high 63%. That’s still a D or an F. YIKES! ☹ Game Day Saturday, November 11 - Chapter 12 – Three Record-Setting Stories ![]() #1. What would you do if you were the quarterback, and your passing game was off? Duh! You’d hand the ball to a running back. In 2020, that’s exactly what Justin Fields did in the Big Ten championship game. He handed the ball to Trey Sermon who had just transferred in from Oklahoma. I’m glad he did! Trey carried the ball 29 times, right into the OSU record book. He ran 331 yards that day against the Northwestern Wildcats. His best two plays, in the third quarter. Trey ran 65 yards, then 33, right into the end zone for a touchdown. That gave the Buckeyes their first lead in the game. Imagine, the Buckeyes behind in the third quarter?! OUCH! In the fourth quarter Trey’s running game gave OSU another touchdown and a spot in the College Football Playoff. He was the MVP, duh! Thanks, Trey, for saving the game! Bonus Source: Trey Sermon - Wikipedia ![]() #2. Meet Garcia Lane. This is the only picture I could find of him, and it was long after he set his OSU record in 1983. I graduated in June 1981 so I remember him well. He was a great player! His record – a pair of punt returns in ONE game against Purdue. The first came in the third quarter. Garcia caught the ball on his own 37, ran to his left, then cut back to the right. That’s when he found his hole and ran down the field for a 63-yard touchdown. Woohoo! Later in that same quarter, the Boilermakers punted to Garcia again. This time, no need for cutbacks. Garcia followed his blockers for another touchdown. This time – for 71 yards. Would you believe those were the second and third touchdowns of his OSU career? I didn’t realize returning a punt for 2 touchdowns in one game was exceptional. Only 10 Buckeyes have ever done it, and it took their whole OSU career to make it happen. Only 6 did it in one season, and Garcia, he did it in ONE game. No one has repeated or broken his record, ever. WOW! BTW – Garcia said there were two things he treasured from his years as a Buckeye – the punt return record, and being voted team captain his senior year. He never saw it coming, and it meant the world, because his teammates picked him. Source: On The Lighter Side : Garcia Lane (247sports.com) ![]() #3. And when it comes to kicking, you’ll find Mike Nugent at the top of all the lists. Some of his records include. . . 1. Mike kicked his way to 120 points in 2002. Think of how many field goals and extra points he had to kick to get there. It’s only been passed 4 times since he graduated in 2004. 2. He still holds the kicking record for college career points (356) 3. Made field goals (72) 4. Mike’s career field goal percentage (81.8%) 5. The number of 50-yard field goals in one season (5) for his career (80) 6. He holds the top two spots for field goals (25 in 2002 and 24 in 2004) 7. He made 24 field goals in a row between 2001 and 2002. 8. He became the second Buckeye to kick 5 field goals in one game. 9. Then he tied the record for perfect games in 2004 at North Carolina State. Mike made 9 perfect kicks, and 8 of them were from at least 50 yards away. Incredible! No wonder Mike played in the NFL from 2005 until 2020. Bonus Source: Mike Nugent Stats | The Football Database (footballdb.com) Game Day Saturday, November 18 - Conclusions from Ray Walker and Me Ray Walker started his conclusions with congratulations – for making it through all 12 chapters. Yay, I did that! He also said if he’d done his job well, that I’d be filled to the brim with new facts. Sorry, Ray. There was just too much information for me to absorb and retain. But Ray did give me a lot of behind-the-scenes stories. I loved reading them, but I wish I could remember them ☹. Ray also said his questions, answers, and stories were meant for readers to enjoy. I liked guessing the answers, but his questions, they were HARD! I even tested myself on name recognition, an extra challenge that I never quite rose to. The hardest part of all was the range of questions. It covered ALL of Buckeye History. I know a lot, from the mid-60’s to the mid-80’s. Then my kids came along, and I lost track of my Buckeyes. I returned in the 90’s thru today. That’s a wide range of sports history to retain, and I didn’t do as well as I thought I would. But I did end up with the fun and Buckeye pride Ray wanted readers to have. I found it when I picked 3 stories from each chapter to write about. Now I’m even more amazed by what my Buckeyes have accomplished throughout my lifetime, and beyond. For my pick-3’s, I always go hunting for pictures, and it’s a trip down memory lane whether I find a picture from their OSU days, or from later on. Then I take Ray’s stories and give them a Rinda-spin . . . by adding in my memories. Meet the Quarterbacks: (Chapter 3 – Calling the Signals) I know each and every one of these names, except for Les Horvath. He was before my time. Rex Kerns is the first one I remember, but I can only recall hearing his name on TV in the ’60s. Art Schlichter is the quarterback from my college years, the ’70s. He had his ups and downs over the years, but the important thing about him – he was a Buckeye. Craig Krenzel was playing when my baby sister was in college, the ’90s. Would you believe he went to the same church she did after they both graduated? She was impressed by his behavior. He acted like everyone else. He was just one of the church faithful, not a star quarterback. Game Day Saturday, November 25 - Memories from 2 Years of OSU Triv Today was THE GAME – the one with Michigan. They won the last 2 years, but I was hoping today would break the pattern. It didn’t ☹ Michigan won again, but only by 6 points. It could have swung the other way, but it didn’t ☹ My question from last week’s post – the one I still remembered after 2 years of trivia – What charm do OSU players get if they beat Michigan? Gold Pants! It makes me sad this is another year without that charm for my favorite team. The Story: In 1934 OSU hired Francis Schmidt as head coach. When the local media got a chance to ask about that team up north, Schmidt said, “They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us.” That’s when two Columbus businessmen formed the ‘Gold Pants Club.’ They created gold lapel pins, shaped like football pants. Each player and coach on that winning team gets a gold pin, engraved with their initials, game date, and the score. What kind of trenches do football games have? The one between the offensive and defensive lines. They’re manned by lineman. The offensive ones fight to keep the quarterback safe, and he fights to gain yards/first downs/touchdowns for the team. He can either hand off the ball to a running back or throw it to one of the receivers. The defensive lineman fight to stop the quarterback. If they sack him, he loses yardage. If they stop the running backs, the offense might not get that all important first down. As for those receivers, there are also defensive backs who do whatever they can, within the rules (and sometimes outside them too) to stop the play. If they intercept the ball, that’s even better. It’s the only way a defensive player can EVER score a touchdown. Last year the linemen failed in THE GAME, but they tightened their lines, and the Buckeyes almost beat the #1 team/national champion – Georgia. I was so proud of those linemen. This year they were just as tough. OSU and Michigan were well matched, even with a brand-new quarterback. Kyle threw 2 interceptions, 1 near the beginning of the game. A defender caught it, and it gave Michigan a touchdown. The 2nd was the last play. Another defender caught it, and the clock ran out. The Buckeyes lost by 6 points – the cost of that 1st interception. Many of us think the Michigan pass/touchdown, was actually intercepted. This time by the Buckeyes, but the referees refused to change the call. Oh well, there’s always next year . . . See you at one of the New Year’s bowls! My team is sure to accept an invitation to one of them 😊 Game Day Friday, December 29 - Final Memories from 2 Years of OSU Triva Last night was the Cotton Bowl, the last game of the 2023 season. So many changes have happened since the Michigan game. Our starting quarterback left through the transfer portal. Other players did too, or they declared for the NFL like Marvin Harrison Jr did. I miss the old days when the players finished the WHOLE season. The Cotton Bowl didn’t end the way I hoped, but there were some bright spots . . . the defensive line was excellent. Our second-string quarterback gave his all and tried to play past an injury, but he wound up back on the sidelines. A third-stringer who’d only thrown 5 passes wound up leading the team, in a Bowl game. Incredible! The last time that happened was with Cardale Jones. He led the Buckeyes to a national championship. Here’s to the future, whatever it brings. Life is never dull when you’re a Buckeye! The last trivia question is from Chapter 4 – Between the Tackles, where the running backs rule. #5. Eddie George and Ezekiel Elliott are tied in the record books with the most 200-yard games for the Buckeyes, with how many? 5 4 3 2 The answer . . . 5 games. Both Eddie and Ezekiel had 5 games with over 200 yards. ![]() So where are they now? Eddie retired in 2006. He played for the Houston Oilers, who became the Tennessee Titans. Then he went to the Dallas Cowboys. Over his 9 years in the NFL, he rushed for 10,441 yards and scored 68 touchdowns. That’s 408 points he put on the scoreboard. Eddie was NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year in 1995 and a four-time Pro Bowler. The Titans retired Eddie’s #27, which is a huge honor, and he’s a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. After Eddie retired, he went back to OSU to get his bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture. He earned his master’s degree in Management at Northwestern. Eddie hasn’t left football completely behind . . . he was named head coach at Tennessee State in April of 2021, and this is him in 2022. Bonus Source: Ohio State's Eddie George Named Pro Football Hall Of Fame Semifinalist - Sports Illustrated Ohio State Buckeyes News, Analysis and More ![]() As for Ezekiel, he’s still playing. He started with the Dallas Cowboys in 2016. He was an instant star. He was the NFL’s top rusher as a rookie, and players ranked him at #7 in the NFL’s Top 100 Players of 2017. Not bad for a beginner! Ezekiel remained a Top 100 Player for the next 3 years, through 2020. He played for the Cowboys for 6 years, through the end of the 2022 season. In 2021 Ezekiel began dealing with knee and ankle injuries, including a torn ligament in his knee during Week 4, but he refused to sit on the sidelines. He’d play one last season as a Cowboy before they released him in March of 2023. Ezekiel signed a one-year contract with a new team in August, the New England Patriots. He ran third down and red zone plays behind one of the starters. I don’t know where he’ll land in 2024, but I wish him well as a running back, and in life after football. I hope the best is yet to come for him. Bonus Source: Ezekiel Elliott - Wikipedia I’ve been wanting to write this post since the night I got home from the Northern Ohio SCBWI conference, but somehow life got in the way. Post after post came up, and they needed to go first. Now it’s November 20, and I’m finally going to write this post all the way to the finish, I hope 😊 Part 1 – Critique Guidance: I took part of my middle grade novel to the Cleveland conference, and I had an author/agent take a look at the first ten pages from Chapters 1 and 2. She gave me a lot of great advice – like what didn’t make sense to her (I only had 1 or 2 spots – Yay!) She also pointed out places where I needed to push up the writing. How? There was one place I remember where she wanted more historical detail. I wrote about the green tablecloths at the Pennsylvania State House. She wanted to know what kind, so I googled colonial tablecloths . . . I found many were made from damask. If you’re not sure what it is, it’s a woven fabric with a pattern you can see on both sides of the cloth. It’s mostly used in table linen and upholstery, and it was used in colonial times. There were a lot more places where she wanted me to show emotion. I went back and labeled each paragraph with a feeling like happy or sad. I have a writers’ book that’s set up according to emotions, and it has a list of ways that people show it in their faces, in their body language, and by their reactions. I picked one for each paragraph, and then went back to edit them in. I’m still polishing. I’m on my 14th revision of chapter 1, but it’s worth the time to get it right. If an agent or an editor isn’t engaged by that first chapter, they’ll stop reading. Then they’ll send an email that says thanks, but no thanks. I know – I’ve gotten a lot of those over the years ☹ ![]() Part 2 – New Chapters – Where I Am Now: In September before the conference, I just finished Chapter 13. It’s now November 22, and I’m stuck on Chapter 17. I was on it last week too. I got stuck trying to find my way in. Once I write the 1st paragraph or 2, I’m on my way. Whenever I start a new chapter, I find 3 sources of information on a founder. I copy all 3 articles, along with their sources. I save them in a file with the notes for that chapter. Then I go to the actual chapter, and I paste in the 1st article, the whole thing. With the 2nd source, I cut and paste it where it fits in the timeline of the original article. I do the same for the 3rd one. Because of this, all the facts about Ben as a printer are together in my timeline. The same is true for his time in the Continental Congress, and so on. The best part about this ‘lengthy’ procedure, it tells me which facts I can use . . . I can find them in 2 or 3 sources. If it’s only in 1 article, I don’t use it. BTW – I did that last week. ![]() I also researched my main character, Charles Carroll of Carollton. For Charley, I only needed to find out what he and his family were doing in 1789/90. Ben died in April of 1790, and I figured that out last week too. I also needed to know what was going on in America in 1789/90, and yes, I did that last week too. I knew the first US Congress started meeting in 1789 in Federal Hall in New York City. I had a list of bills President Washington signed into law, and I saved my sources, for future reference. With all that, I still couldn’t find my way in. This morning - Ureka! I found it. I could always picture Charley at Federal Hall, but I couldn’t picture how he found out how his friend died – what was going on at that moment, in a historical fiction kind of way. Today I looked at 2 bills Congress passed in April of 1790. Bingo! Now I can picture how he might have learned about it. ![]() It’s late, so I’ll wait until tomorrow or Friday to write those 1st paragraphs. Once I get going, I let the story take me where it wants to go. Sometimes I take the wrong path. Then I reread until I reach the point where I left the right path and took the wrong one. I delete that section, go back, and rewrite it. Usually it takes me 2-3 days to write and revise a new chapter. Why? It doesn’t have to be perfect. I have one chance with my new chapter and my Friday critique group. Then I have to move onto #18 for next Friday, if I want to finish all 57 chapters by the end of the summer. Fingers crossed – may the force be with me! ![]() Part 3 – My Goals for December: Starting next week, I’ll be part of 3 critique groups. One meets every Friday. Another meets on Tuesdays at least once a month, maybe twice if I’m lucky. I have a third that meets on Wednesday once, sometimes twice a month. My goal is to have one new chapter critique-ready for each meeting. My Friday goal will be the hardest one to reach. I have to finish a chapter a week, and I only get one chance to get it done. That means by the end of the month, I’ll be sharing chapter 22 on December 29th. There’s no room for revision. I take my Friday critique notes, add them to the chapter, and move onto the next one. I’ve been on chapter 17 for 2 weeks. That’s how long it took to write the first paragraph. It seems to happen whenever I move to a new setting. It’s harder for me to find my way in. If that happens again, I’ll fall short of 22. ![]() The Wednesday group is now my polishing group. It’s the opposite of Friday. We’ll meet once or twice this month. I’m on my 14th revision of chapter 1, and my Wednesday friends have looked at this piece 5 or 6 times. My goal –to finish it, I hope, then polish chapter 2. My Wednesday group, they have a great eye for detail. They won’t let me call it polished until it’s just right, like a bullseye on a target. ![]() My Tuesday group is BRAND-NEW! We’ll have our 1st meeting next Tuesday. We might meet again in December, or we might not. I have chapter 2 almost ready for them. I might start working on chapter 3, but only if my Wednesday group says 1 is done. If not, I’ll have them take another look at chapter 2. The most important thing this month – polish chapter 1. The second – to reach chapter 22. May the force be with me 😊 |
AuthorWhen I write, I can only have one voice in my head, mine. A little noise is fine. But too much, or worse yet, WORDS, and I must change rooms or pull out headphones. Then I can write on! Categories