Part 1 Guess Who I Met at a Conference: Look who I met at the Northern Ohio SCBWI conference! Two dino-mite illustrators – Mike DeSantis and Barry Gott. They both love to draw dinosaurs, and they both have books out about them. My writing friend, Aileen, and I ate lunch at their table, and she got this picture. What’s SCBWI? The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. It’s where you go if you want to meet them. It’s where you go if you want to learn how to become one. ![]() Part 2 Meet Mike’s New Dinosaur Book: Remember Mike DeSantis from yesterday? I’ve known Mike for a long time thanks to the Northern Ohio’s SCBWI chapter. Mike is a former president and a fantastic illustrator. I know . . . I draw stick people. I admire anyone who can draw something as intricate as the page he’s holding up. Would you believe you can get it free, or that it’s the cover to his Dinosaur Puzzle Book? Would you also believe Mike’s cover isn’t in the book? I’ll show you how to get it, free! Step 1 – Click on this link and take a trip to Mike’s web site: Mike DeSantis – Mike DeSantis illustration ![]() Step 2 – When you get to Mike’s page, look for the Instagram symbol, and click on it. Step 3 – Once you’re on Instagram, this is what you’ll find. The top part of the page has the directions on how to get Mike’s cover FREE. Ready? Click on this link. It will take you to Mike’s publishing house. Publishing your own book is hard to do, and it’s even harder for people to find it. I know, I’ve published three books myself. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I hope I can help a few more people find Mike’s book. It sold out at the SCBWI conference. If it looks familiar, it’s because Mike has done hidden pictures for one of my favorite magazines . . . Highlights! And I’m happy to highlight Mike and his latest book😊 Oh, I almost forgot that link. Here it is . . . Step 4 – Click on Downloads. Do you see it? It’s the middle button on the blue banner at the top of the page. If you want to take a scavenger hunt, I double-dog dare you to find why Mike named his publishing company Bunker Press Books. Just scan down the page until you see About Us. That’s where Mike put his story. PS – If you know someone who loves hidden objects, this book would make a perfect gift! Do you see the two green order buttons? Click on one of them if you want to buy the book. My suggestion, the first. If you pick Amazon, they get part of Mike’s profit. Part 3 Meet Barry Gott and his Dino-Mite Work: I was shocked to see Barry’s newest book on display at SCBWI’s Illustrator Showcase. I’ve had his books since 2012. That’s because he illustrated Lisa Wheeler’s dinosaur books. She critiqued my dog story back in 2012 so I had to buy one. My second graders loved them too, so I bought more, until I retired in 2015. Imagine my surprise when he was introduced during the conference. I had to say hello! How many chances do you get to tell someone how much you admire their work? And on the other side of the coin, who doesn’t like to hear they have fans in second grade . . . my students loved his work too. Then lunch came, and I joined my conference buddy, and guess who was sitting beside me? If you guessed, Bary, you’re right! I decided to take this opportunity to let you meet him too! If you can’t meet Barry in person, head to his website. It’s the next best thing! Here’s his link: Barry Gott illustration, and a screenshot of his homepage. If you click Illustration, this is also where you’d land. If you move down to Books, you can see some of the stories Barry has illustrated, or written and illustrated. If there’s a star in the left-hand corner, that means you can click, then peek inside. The first one is for the cover of Dino-Dancing. If you can’t meet Barry in person, head to his website. It’s the next best thing! Here’s his link: Barry Gott illustration, and a screenshot of his homepage. If you click Illustration, this is also where you’d land. If you move down to Books, you can see some of the stories Barry has illustrated, or written and illustrated. If there’s a star in the left-hand corner, that means you can click, then peek inside. The first one is for the cover of Dino-Dancing. And the finale . . . Barry’s newest pair of books! Both of them just came out on September 5th. His Hanukkah book is brand new, but his Christmas book came out in a new form . . . a board book! If you have littles who love dinosaurs, sports, and holidays, Lisa and Barry’s board books are perfect for them!
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AuthorWhen I write, I can only have one voice in my head, mine. A little noise is fine. But too much, or worse yet, WORDS, and I must change rooms or pull out headphones. Then I can write on! Categories